Welcome to IMPACT, the online proofing tool for collaborating on proofing journal content for Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


  • Log in to IMPACT in a single browser window at a time (but if you would like your co-authors to review the article as well, please share it with them by selecting the sharing option in IMPACT).
  • Review your proof carefully, making any necessary amendments directly into the article.
  • Save your changes if you want to pause reviewing and use the logout option before closing the browser window. You may log in again later to resume reviewing using your log-in link.
  • Only finish your review in IMPACT when you are sure you have no additional changes to add as the review will be closed and not be accessible after reviewing has been completed.
  • Note that the images in IMPACT are low resolution to the performance of the tool.
  • Submit the article when you have reviewed the entire article and resolved all author queries.
  • You will receive a copy of the proof with your changes tracked via email for your own records.
  • Upon submission of your corrections, you will be asked to complete a short survey on this proofing tool, the results of which will be used to inform future improvements. We appreciate your feedback.

    If you need assistance with IMPACT, please review the FAQs and User Guide here, or contact our support team at .


These proofs are for checking purposes only. They should not be considered as final publication format and must not be used for any other purpose. Please do not post them on your personal/institutional website, and do not print and distribute copies. Neither excerpts nor the whole article in its entirety should be included in other publications until the final version has been published and citation details are available.

Third Party Plug-Ins:

Using any third-party plug-in to translate the content or make any changes in the editor is not recommended as it might affect the content quality and the underlying metadata, which will delay publication.

Chinese Version:
